All goods sold by NAYAK BEAUTY SUPPLY are 100% genuine and in the original manufacturer’s packaging (unless explicitly stated in the product listing that it is a proprietary or custom brand).
Unless otherwise stated, all prices of NAYAK BEAUTY SUPPLY are quoted in USD. However, you are free to choose your desired currency using a converter.
USPS shipping times vary. The average shipping time is 3–7 business days. We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
You can cancel your order with no penalty at any time after you submit it before it is shipped. If the item has already shipped, we cannot cancel. Please note: If your package is on the way, you must wait for it to arrive and return it before receiving a refund.
Upon placing your order successfully, you will receive an email confirmation at the email address provided. Your order will be dispatched within 4–7 working days, and you will receive an email confirmation at the email address provided. You will be provided with a tracking number when your order is dispatched. If you do not receive an email containing your tracking number after 2 business days of shipment, please email us at [email protected]. It usually takes an average of 3–7 business days for your order to be received, depending on USPS transit times.
Under certain conditions, we may not be able to accept returned items. However, accommodations are made for items that are damaged. We offer a 100 % money-back guarantee if the product is defective or damaged. We give you 30 days to send it back to us for a full refund. You must ship it back at your own expense. Once we have received the product, we will refund the full amount of your original purchase. Please include all names and order numbers on the returned parcels.
Please note: If your package is on the way, you must wait for it to arrive and return it before receiving a refund.